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Doits et formules

Cliquez pour consulter la liste des droits et des formules relatifs aux demandes et dépôts courants de demandes de dispense ou pour signaler des placements dispensés.


Voici les droits pour les demandes et dépôts les plus courants relatifs à des demandes de dispense ou pour signaler des placements dispensés. On trouvera une description détaillée de ces droits dans le règlement.

Category Fee

An application for exemption pursuant to section 20 of the Act from filing a preliminary prospectus, if no other exemption from section 37 is required, is:

An application for any other exemption pursuant to section 20 of the Act is the amount of the fees that would be payable if no exemption were granted, provided that, the commission may, having regard both to the probable volume of the trading permitted by the exemption and to the time required to process and consider the application, reduce the fee in any particular case, to an amount not less than:$350
For example, for an application under section 20 from the prospectus requirement, the fee would be $1,000 For an application under section 20 from the requirement to be registered as a dealer, the fee would be $750
An application for an order under section 59 of the Act is the amount of fees that would be payable on any filings or registrations that would be required in order to effect the trade concerned if no ruling were made, provided that the Commission may, having regard both to the probable value of the trading permitted by the ruling and to the time required to process and consider the application, reduce the fee in any particular case, to an amount not less than:$275
The fee for filing of a notice of intention to trade in accordance with Form 23:$650
The fee for filing an offering memorandum under the Act is $650
The fee for any other exemption or filing not set out in the Fee Regulation, other than a document referred to in:

(i) Part IX, X, XI, or XII of the Act; or
(ii) any provision of the Regulations relating to Parts IX, X, XI, or XII of the Act, is:

For example, the fee to file a report of exempt trade in accordance with Form 45-106F1 is$25
The fee for an application to be deemed a reporting issuer or to cease to be a reporting issuer is$25
The fee for an application for an order under section 95 of the Act, is:$550
provided that the Commission may, having regard both to the probable value of the trading permitted by the exemption and to the time required to process and consider the application, reduce the fee in any particular case, but to an amount not less than: $275

La présente section contient les formules nécessaires pour se conformer aux politiques et aux lois appliquées par la Commission des valeurs mobilières du Manitoba.


Demande de reconnaissance à titre d’acheteur exempté en vertu du paragraphe 19(1) de la loisurles valeurs mobilières
Form 6

Rapport concernant une transaction effectuée en vertu du paragraphe 19(1) de la loi sur les valerus mobilières
Form 8

Rapport concernant une revente de valeurs mobilieres achetées en verty du paragraphe 19(1) de la loi sur les valeurs mobilières
Form 8A

Avis d’intention de faire des transactions sur valeurs mobilières aux termes de l’alinéa 91a) our 91b) du règlement sur les valeurs mobilières
Form 23

Déclaration concernant une transaction sur valeurs mobilières faite aux termes de l’alinéa 91a) du règlement sur les valeurs mobilières
Form 24

Déclaration concernant une transaction sur valeurs mobilières faite aux termes de l’alinéa 91b) du règlement sur les valeurs mobilières
Form 25

Renseignements exigés dans une notice d’offre de valeurs mobilières offertes en vertu de la dispense prévue a l’alinéa 91b) du reglèment sur les valeurs mobilières
Form 26

Rapport sur la cessation des transactions sur valeurs mobilières faites aux termes de la dispense prévue à l’alinéa 91a) our 91b) du reglèment sur les valeurs mobilières
Form 27

Information Statement – Exchange or Quotation and Trade Reporting System – (revised unofficial consolidation)

Initial Operation Report – Alternative Trading System – (revised unofficial consolidation)

Quarterly Report of Marketplace Activities – (revised unofficial consolidation)

Cessation of Operations Report for Alternative Trading System – (revised unofficial consolidation)

Initial Operation Report for Information Processor – (revised unofficial consolidation)

Cessation of Operations Report for Information Processor – (revised unofficial consolidated version)

Notice of Intention to Distribute Securities under Section 2.8 of NI 45-102

Report of Exempt Distribution – Revised October 5, 2018

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Offering Memorandum for Non-Qualifying Issuers

Offering Memorandum for Qualifying Issuers

Risk Acknowledgement

Risk Acknowledgement Saskatchewan Close Personal Friends and Close Business Associates

Information Memorandum for Short-Term Securitized Products Distributed under Section 2.35.1

Monthly Disclosure Report for Short-term Securitized Products Distributed under Section 2.35.1

Form for Individual Accredited Investors

Risk Acknowledgement Form for Family, Friend and Business Associate Investors

Rights Offering Notice for Reporting Issuers

Rights Offering Circular for Reporting Issuers

Notice of Use of Proceeds

Notice of Specified Key Events

Supplemental Offering Memorandum Disclosure for Syndicated Mortgages

Crowdfunding Offering Document

Risk Acknowledgement

Confirmation of Investment Limits

Notice of Specified Key Events

Personal Information Form and Authorization to Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Information

Required Disclosure under the Early Warning Requirements

Offering Document

Risk Acknowledgement

Funding Portal Information

Portal Individual Information

Semi-Annual Financial Resources Certification

Required Disclosure by an Eligible Institutional Investor under Section 4.3

Required Disclosure by an Eligible Institutional Investor Under Part 4

Take-Over Bid Circular – Consolidated Version

Issuer Bid Circular – Consolidated Version

Directors”> Director’s or Officer’s Circular – Consolidated Version

Notice of Change or Notice of Variation