Older, Hotter and Financially Wiser…It’s You, In the Future.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 5, 2013 – I’m Your Future Self and I, along with The Manitoba Securities Commission, have a confession to make. We’ve been trying to get your attention for a couple of weeks now. You may have noticed I took some extreme measures… tearing up ads and writing all over them, hijacking your email, and even spray-painting billboards.

Back in 2012, I noticed you (I) had been developing some bad financial habits; overspending, forgetting to put money away in savings, and never thinking about investing for the future.

I know that you’ll end up regretting some of the decisions you make now and thought it best to set you straight. I’ve put together a series of emails for you at YourFutureSelf.ca that will give you some tips and tricks on how to be smarter with our money. Explore, learn, watch, forward, and help me, help you... uhhh help us. I know there are lots of other things you would rather be doing but trust me, this stuff is important.

And since I know how competitive you are, I’ve made it extra enticing by giving you the chance to win an iPod or iPad! So, PLEASE, do us a favour, and visit YourFutureSelf.ca.


Your Future Self is an education campaign created by The Manitoba Securities Commission. It is intended to provide youth with helpful information on managing their money and investment fraud prevention.  

It is important that we work hard to improve financial literacy in Manitoba in light of these startling youth statistics:  

The Manitoba Securities Commission is a special operating agency of the Government of Manitoba that protects and informs investors through educational programming and promotes fair and efficient capital markets throughout the province.

Ainsley Cunningham
Manager, Education and Communications
The Manitoba Securities Commission
Phone (204) 945-4733
Cell (204) 619-1756