June 20, 2007

Manitoba Securities Commission announces this year's "Financial Fitness Challenge" contest winner

Winnipeg – The Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC) is pleased to announce the name of the Manitoba winner of the CSA’s annual "Financial Fitness Challenge" Contest. The winner, Jennifer Walichnowski has won a prize of $750 for proving her financial fitness savvy through a series of on-line quiz questions.

Jennifer a University of Manitoba Faculty of Music student plans to use the money to pay for part of her tuition. "I think that budgeting and saving are two of the most important skills that you will need in life", said Jennifer. "I like the fact that the contest gave me some financial information that I didn’t know before."

The "Financial Fitness Challenge" Contest, which was open to Canadians 15 to 21 years of age, took place April 1 to 30, 2007. The on-line contest featured questions and information on budgeting, saving and investing. Participants were encouraged to learn about financial matters and answer questions using hyperlinks to other useful sites.
With more than 12,000 contestants, this year’s edition has shown once again that young Canadians are interested in becoming more knowledgeable about savings and investments. "As provincial securities regulator, the MSC believes that it is extremely important to find ways to engage Manitoban’s youth in improving their financial literacy," said MSC Chair Don Murray. "By reaching them now, we believe it will translate into responsible investing behaviour later in life."
Teachers were also invited to take part in the contest. Many visited the website and took advantage of the teacher resources available for use for their classroom discussions and activities. Close to 100 teachers responded to the teacher’s survey.

Although the contest has ended, the information will continue to be available on-line at Those who didn’t win or missed the contest can look forward to another edition of the contest next year!

Media Contact: Manitoba Securities Commission
Ainsley Cunningham
1-800-655-5244 (Manitoba only)